Pharmacies are very important territorial health units: here people find qualified supports to their health problems. It is important to offer a small corner for breastfeeding, because it is a Fundamental Right and because it offers pharmacists an excellent return of customer loyalty. Leura srl provides personalized and multi-functional corners to welcome mothers in such a delicate moment of their life.
STEP 1: Welcoming moms
SUCH AS? The MimmaMà Points of Leura – Baby Pit Stop – are certified, self-supporting, customizable in shape and graphics and do not reduce your commercial space. Leura offers presales and post sales advice.
WHY? Supporting mothers in their lactation period, it is an opportunity to retain them and make known the pharmacists professionalism.
SEE: MimmaMà Point, MimmaMà, Ormy e Cocoleo.

STEP 2: Breastfeeding and more
SUCH AS? The MimmaMà chair can be leased and it is useful especially for the first days after birth, thanks to its beneficial modeling. It is a multifunctional product – ALL IN ONE – useful for pressure measurement, blood glucose test, hair analysis, drip application, skin test, cosmetics … Its presence facilitates all the services that pharmacies nowadays decline.
WHY? Because it is an ergonomic seat that avoids postural pain, relieves postpartum pain and offers excellent support for the shoulders, back, arms and lower back.

STEP 3: Co-sleeping for Mothers with Disabilities
SUCH AS? The MaBim cradle is a hospital product that facilitate mothers with disabilities, also at home. The rental service for the first months of the baby’s life is certainly highly appreciated.
WHY? At night the mother breastfeeds her baby without getting out of bed. MaBim can be moved to the different rooms to always have her baby close to her. The total transparency of Mabim allows the constant monitoring of the newborn.

STEP 4: Gastro-Esophageal Reflux, Relax, Kangaroo Therapy
SUCH AS? Toast R is a chaise lounge, reclining in different inclinations to facilitating muscle relaxation, avoiding the gastro-oesophageal reflux that often accompanies pregnancy and keeping the infant in the skin-against-skin position for the Kangaroo therapy. Fully foldable, it is easily stored.
WHY? Its zero-gravity position facilitates the legs blood circulation, unloads the back allowing total relaxation of the person.

What does Leura do?
Leura provides Certified Products
Leura offers Customers Advice on optimizing Services
Some References
The National Tongue Tie Centre in Clonmel (IE), Consultorio di Legnano (MI), Consultorio di Cuggiono (MI), Consultorio Villa d’Almè (BG), Farmacia Ciana a Ornavasso (VC), Huis van het Kind De Kraamvogel in Borgerhout (BE), Huis van het Kind De Kraamvogel in Deurne (BE), Huis van het Kind De Kraamvogel in Antwerpen (BE), Farmacia Comunale di Albano Laziale (ROMA), Parafarmacia Althea a Olbia (OT), Farmacia Morelli a Piné (TN), Farmacia Comunale di Corbetta (MI).