Sustainable Street furniture

Expand your market with unique and exclusive products

Stand out from your competitors

Leura products are not just street furniture: they ensure Inclusion, Fun, Health, Safety, a mix that does not go unnoticed and can allow you a very diversified approach with your Customer.

You can propose them to Public Administrations, Institutions, Organizations, Hotels, Museums, Parks…

Discover all the advantages of Leura products

Furnishing an urban space so that it is not banal is not so obvious. Doing it so that it is useful, appreciated by the Community and that it brings well-being is even more complicated.

This is why I think that our products, designed according to principles of well-being, health, fun represent a unique opportunity for companies to find new markets and participating customers and increase their reputation.

I am Mitzi Bollani, architect and entrepreneur. I always listened to people’s problems and sought concrete answers to their needs. Open spaces can be a meeting point for families. Even more so if they are inclusive, that is, if they are designed not to exclude anyone and involve everyone.

I believe that everyone has the right to live peacefully and healthily. I like to call my work “therapeutic” architecture and my design “empathetic”.

Social inclusion is a very important topic and there is public funding.

The market still has unsatisfied demands and municipalities can access specific funding.

Leura products are innovative, attractive, designed to facilitate their use by people of all ages and abilities. Their inclusion in your catalog will increase sales opportunities without the risk of overlaps and will strengthen the bond between your company and the territory in which you operate.

Giostra inclusiva NiDondolo
Giostra inclusiva NiDondolo

Get significant economic benefits and a chance for market expansion.

We are looking for companies to handle the sales and installation of our products.

You will be completely autonomous, but you can always count on Leura’s consultancy and commercial support.

Seduta galleggiante Trottola
Seduta multipla Trottola

You can take advantage of effective, multi-channel communication that has access to a lot of visibility.

We offer a communication service that highlights the values ​​of each product and project, with the possibility of creating personalized brochures with your logo to present them to customers. We can take care of the communication on your site relating to Leura products.

In addition, you will obtain a halo effect: for the very fact of proposing products with high social value, you will receive a benefit in terms of image.

Sedia ischiatica Finferlo
Sedute ischiatiche Finferlo

Thanks to the wellness features, your market possibilities expand to social structures

Leura products have a “gentle” design that combines fun, well-being and inclusion, important requirements for urban areas, parks, gardens, but also hospitals, social-health residences, nursing homes, schools…

Curved lines, colors and attractive shapes make Leura products easily identifiable, which also become points of reference for orientation in large spaces.

Arredo Urbano Sostenibile

The advantage of Made in Italy and of excellent, qualified and recognized design.

Leura srl ​​uses Experts in Ergonomics, Accessibility, Health and Safety for all and Psychologists to study projects and products that meet high performance requirements, are attractive and capable of arousing positive emotions.

The production is strictly Italian. The installation is very simple and does not require construction sites and days of blocks and traffic jams.

Sedia Ergonomica Giano
Sedia Ergonomica Giano
Sedia Ergonomica Giano
Sedia Ergonomica Giano

We offer you Performance Testing which ensures the maximum certified functionality of the products.

Leura products and projects were created to be useful even to people with limited physical, sensorial and cognitive abilities.

Architect Mitzi Bollani, a European expert in Accessibility, Health and Safety for all, has specifically created them and issues a performance test that describes the advantages and requirements that they guarantee.

Don't miss this growth opportunity